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Why Facebook is bad for your business!

Discussion in 'Media' started by JJ Smith, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. JJ Smith

    JJ Smith Member

    Jan 5, 2015
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    Butler, PA
    If you are a serious social media addict like myself. Then I'm pretty sure that you don’t need me to tell you how popular FaceBook is.

    I have had many FaceBook accounts for a number of years now, and I can honestly say that without having a good website with content for your business you're just shooting your business in the foot.

    In my opinion. Facebook is a great tool for getting new customers and show casing what your business is about, But it is not so great for doing business.

    Mark Zuckerberg, who is the Dude that started FaceBook original vision, was to use it as a way for his posh mates at Harvard to connect with one and other. He never realized its full marketing potential in the beginning. But now that he has. All of his 1 billion and rising followers on FaceBook are slowly starting to suffer. The problem with Facebook is that it is a website designed by computer nerds and geeks, which I am lol, but it is far from being business friendly or having your business in mind.

    I constantly get emails by clients, who are forever singing Facebook praises in the beginning. They tell me how easy it is to build a list of thousands of people via their Fan page, but then a few months later they're calling me back telling me business had dropped way off and they can't figure out why or what the heck happened.

    I know the reason why. You left your biggest search engine clasp and you got trapped by Facebook. Welcome to the family, lol.

    So how do you fix these issues? Great question. Here's a just a few insights....

    1. Make sure your website is currently updated with all current information about your business.

    2. Make sure you have good SEO which will let people find you on Google. Remember Google is all about information. They want great content from you.

    3. Keep your website & social media working together. Use both to power your business not just one.

    4. Don't send people to your Facebook / social media pages for infomation. Send them to your web site! Get them in the routine of going their first.

    5. Facebook controls your page! You control your site! Get it?

    6. Hiring a good fair priced web designer like myself to keep you on top of updates and site changes. This is huge as the web is constantly evolving.

    7. Joining a site like this which has great SEO, Marketing Skills, and is only reaching out only to the area your business is in. *If you're in Butler PA then you want to get your links on this site*

    8. Remember Facebook is in the game to make money. They don't care about you or your business.

    9. Create content that people want to engage with, but not read a book about. Get to the point!

    10. It comes down to how much you care about your business. You have the final say on what you do with it. I have many clients that spend the money up front to do it right the first time. If you do it right from the start you'll be so much happier and you'll be able to concentrate on your business.

    These are just a few tips of the iceberg that I wanted to share with you. There are so many more things involved when building, marketing, and doing maintenance on websites.

    If you would like a free consult please go to and click contact.

    Have a great day: JJ Smith

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2015
  2. Butler County PA Flea Market

    Butler County PA Flea Market Site Admin Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Butler County Pennsylvania
    @JJ Smith thank you for a great article. We're going to share this and stick this thread for everyone to see.

    Also big thank you for doing a wonderful job on this site. We're always excited to see everything that you do. You truly have a talent. :D
    JJ Smith likes this.
  3. JJ Smith

    JJ Smith Member

    Jan 5, 2015
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    Butler, PA
    Facebook’s latest algorithm tweak will hit businesses the hardest this week.

    Businesses will now have to pay for people to find their page and then pay for people to see a post. Before Facebook let 100% of your followers see your page and posts. Now businesses are now forced to pay for followers and pay for them to see their content. Sounds like Facebook thinks they rule the world. Unless you have a website with good SEO content and marketing Facebook just bought the house down on you after all this time. We knew it was coming!

    Remember Google doesn't charge you for people to find your content. :)

    Is social media on the way out?
  4. JJ Smith

    JJ Smith Member

    Jan 5, 2015
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    Butler, PA
    A lot of new changes are coming again to Facebook. For starters the small guys are going to be left in the dust. Example: If you have a page with 5000 followers in the beginning most people would see your post, but as the years have come and gone that number has gone down. As of August 2015 you'll have to pay for your followers to see any post you make. They're redoing yet again the way the timeline feed works.

    I personally think Facebook is on the way out for many people so be ready with a good site and content. Also did you know Google is changing the game with Google+ for businesses?

    Would you like to know more? Stay tuned!
  5. Butler County PA Flea Market

    Butler County PA Flea Market Site Admin Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2015
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    Butler County Pennsylvania
    As always @JJ Smith great content that we are sharing. ;)
  6. Mikey8

    Mikey8 Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    north of butler city
    They also removed any gun sales from FB. This has moved people away from there searching for other outlets. I think the one most used is MeWe. I have an account on there, but it is so difficult to understand and use. Been trying to pull people to this site. Simple is sometimes the best.
  7. Butler County PA Flea Market

    Butler County PA Flea Market Site Admin Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2015
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    Butler County Pennsylvania
    Facebook is being controlled now by big business and government agendas.
    Mikey8 likes this.
  8. JJ Smith

    JJ Smith Member

    Jan 5, 2015
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    Butler, PA
    I left all Facebook groups because of the drama. Lots of people are turning away from Facebook and going back to websites and Google.
    Mikey8 likes this.