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Desert Rose Collection

Discussion in 'Collectibles' started by Heather66, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. Heather66

    Heather66 New Member

    Dec 1, 2018
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    This huge Desert Rose collection is in good shape and I would like it all to go together do not want to piece it out. I am asking $600.00 for the whole collection. Can get more pictures if needed. Can meet at Clearview Mall or by Walmart. This collection includes 14 dinner plates, 3 split vegetable bowls, 12 rice bowls, 16 luncheon plates, 6 serving bowls, 12 dessert plates (square), 12 fruit bowls, 12 tea cup saucers, 12 tea cups, 2 pitchers, 1 vase, 1 pitcher, 1 serving platter, 3 scalloped edge bowls, 1 egg platter, 3 oval platter (1 lg/2 smaller), 1 bowl with basket weave handle, 1 salad bowl, 1 chip and dip platter w/separate rose bowl, 1 gravy boat, 1 covered butter dish, 1 cake plate, 1 footed cake plate, 3 oval servers, 4 cake server, 3 baskets (2 lg 1 small), 1 tea pot with lid, 1 creamer, 1 sugar bowl with lid, 1 spoon rest, 1 heart shaped box with lid, 1 set salt pepper shakers, 13 coffee mugs, 12 STEMWARE WATER GLASSES and 12 STEMWARE WINE GLASSES, glasses bubble lead crystal (12 green and 12 pink) again selling as a set. need to get rid of.

    r 146.jpg r 145.jpg r 00.jpg r 002.jpg r 003.jpg r 006.jpg r 004.jpg
  2. Heather66

    Heather66 New Member

    Dec 1, 2018
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    Hi everyone, I need to sell these items soon, does anyone want to make an offer?